

This is a song, written about M, and about my pain...

Waiting for a call
Get nothing at all, again…
Shouldn’t be so surprised
Long ago should have realized
The mess that I fell in

Just a little hope
A little notice
A few words now and then
My world is simple
My heart is so easy to win

Perhaps that is why
Now I cry
Over nothing at all
Because the nothing hurts
The nothing hurts worst of all

All all all…

The nothing hurts
Worst of all….

You could hold my hand
I’d be in wonderland
But your grip is cold

I want a kiss
Send me to bliss
Yet you’re set in stone

The tears come flowing
I don’t mind slowing
For your words
But there are none

There is nothing
There is nothing
Nothing at all
And nothing is what

Hurts most of all

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